EasyPartyList.com is currently under development. This list will be updated as features are added. If you have any additional
questions, please contact us at info@easypartylist.com.
- Do I need any special software to use EasyPartyList.com?
No! You just need a computer with a current browser. All features are designed to work with Firefox 2 or above and Internet Explorer 6 or above, though
Firefox is preferred. JavaScript and Cookies must be enabled. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is a free download, to print envelopes and labels.
- How much does EasyPartyList.com cost?
The entire site is currently free for a limited time. While we do expect to charge for EasyPartyList.com in the future, anyone who registers and starts
using EasyPartyList.com while it is free will have free access to EasyPartyList.com for at least 90 days.
- How safe is my data?
All access to lists is through SSL encrypted pages. Your information will not be shared with any other users of the system except if you invite other users to
help manage your list. Your list will not be available on any public pages on the internet.
- Who owns my list?
You do! We will never use your list for marketing or any other purpose.